Beat the Back-to-School Scaries: Tips for a Successful Start

Published On: August 5, 2024Categories: Blog

It’s always bittersweet to bid farewell to the endless days of play and the cool nights filled with summer nostalgia. However, the excitement of back-to-school season starts to creep in as the new school year approaches, often accompanied by the back-to-school scaries.

Back-to-School Scaries: That feeling when the thought of homework, packed lunches, and early alarms starts to haunt your summer dreams. It’s like the Sunday Scaries, but with a backpack and school bell!

With August being National Back to School Month, the Greater Austin Y is here to help. We’re sharing ways to ensure your back-to-school season is stress-free and successful!

Communicate Change in Routine:

The start of the school year is a big adjustment for the whole family. Make sure to discuss upcoming changes in bedtime, wake-up time, and after-school schedules with everyone. Many parents find it helpful to gradually reset bed and wake-up times before the first day to help everyone adjust smoothly. You could even have a practice run of the new morning routine. Make it a fun way to celebrate the end of summer by following it up with a special breakfast or treat. This not only helps everyone get ready for the new schedule but also adds an exciting element to the transition!

Prioritize Nutrition

Good nutrition is key to helping your child thrive. Plan nutritious breakfasts and snacks that provide energy and focus for the school day, like whole grains, fruits, and proteins. Packing wholesome snacks such as carrot sticks, apple slices, and cheese can help keep their energy up throughout the day. And don’t forget a refillable water bottle to keep them happy, hydrated and alert.

Pro Tip: Check if your child’s school offers free or reduced-price lunches. It’s a great way to ensure they get balanced meals without extra hassle.

Get Ahead of the Chaos

We all know how stressful things can get when we’re not organized. Get ahead of the chaos by sorting out school supplies and clothes. Setting up a dedicated homework and study space at home, free from distractions, can make a big difference in your child’s focus and productivity. Use colorful bins and labels to keep everything in order. Turn organizing into a fun activity by involving the kids—let them pick out their supplies and set up their space to make it feel personal and exciting.

Have an After School Care Plan

Every family’s schedule is unique and may require additional support like reliable after school care. It’s comforting to know your child is in a safe, fun place while you’re at work. The Y has been supporting families in the greater Austin area for over 50 years. Our after-school programs for kids PreK through 5th grade are designed to be both engaging and educational. Whether you need a little or a lot of support, our exciting activities and enriching experiences ensure your child has a great time while you have peace of mind. Discover more about EAC Y and how we can fit into your family’s needs!


Back-to-school season can be just as magical as summer with a bit of thoughtful planning. Consider starting fun new traditions that your kids will eagerly anticipate each year, like a special breakfast, treat bags, or a little surprise. These small touches can turn the start of the school year into something they look forward to, making those back-to-school jitters a lot easier to handle. Your kids cherish these moments for years to come and make the transition back to school feel a lot less daunting.

We hope our tips help you feel prepared and excited for the new school year. Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy, and successful school year ahead!

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