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What’s Happening at Northwest Family YMCA in February 2024

February 6, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

Cycling for a Cause – A Northwest Family YMCA Tradition

Join us on Sunday, 2/25, for our annual donation-based Cycling class led by Julie, with 100% of your $20 donation supporting the Greater Austin YMCA’s Annual CampaignJulie also MATCHES donationsSign up today to spin, have fun, and support the YIt’s a WIN for your health, your fun, and your community

How to Keep Your 5-Year-Old Engaged and Focused

February 2, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

Five-year-olds are notorious for being curious and energetic. They are quickly learning about the world around them as they take everything in like little sponges. While it’s inspiring and encouraging to see your child explore their curiosity, there are times that call for them to be still and quiet.

From learning their ABCs and colors in school to behaving in a store, your child does have to take time to pause their rambunctious activity – at least for a little while. Here are some tips for keeping your five-year-old engaged and focused.

Set Aside Time to Practice Focusing on Specific Tasks

The concentration span

Oh, The Places We’ll Go…

January 24, 2024|Categories: Blog, YMCA Counseling|Tags: |

A few years ago, I asked my mother why she never read my brother and I Dr. Seuss books when we were kids. She told me that she found the silly rhymes and strange names of the characters annoying! I was dumbfounded as those are some of the things that people love most about his books; that and Dr. Seuss’ unfailing ability to communicate complicated societal challenges like pollution (e.g. The Lorax) and messy human struggles like the desire to understand where we come from (e.g. Are You My Mother?) to children, are some of the things I love most

Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024

January 12, 2024|Categories: Blog|

See below for all the solar eclipse events and activities taking place at Greater Austin YMCA locations. Stop by your nearest Y facility to pick up your free set of solar eclipse glasses while supplies last.

YMCA Camp Moody

Center closed for the entire day.

Duration: 2h, 41m
Duration of Totality: 20s

  • Partial begins: 12:16:47 pm 
  • Full begins: 1:36:36 pm 
  • Maximum: 1:36:37 pm 
  • Full ends: 1:36:38 pm 
  • Partial ends: 2:57:47 pm

Springs Family YMCA

Center closed for the entire day.

Duration: 2h, 40m, 55s

How Basketball for Kids Fosters Teamwork

January 3, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

There’s little doubt that youth sports can be a wonderful outlet for kids, both physically and mentally. In fact, 73 percent of parents think sports benefit their children’s mental health, and 88 percent of parents think sports benefit their children’s physical health, according to Health.gov.

Basketball in particular is a popular sport that many kids choose to participate in, whether they like to play as an organized team or just a pick-up game after school. Indeed, the value of teamwork in youth basketball can’t be overstated. Just as in life, success in basketball can’t be achieved through individual efforts alone. A

Grateful for A Year of Purpose at the Y

December 22, 2023|Categories: Blog|

A Message From Kathy Kuras,
President & CEO, Greater Austin YMCA

We hope your holidays are filled with warmth, laughter, and joy. Each of you is an integral part of our vibrant and diverse community because the YMCA is FOR ALL. This year, as so many forces have strained the fabric of our community and our nation, we are particularly grateful for the power of the Y to bring people TOGETHER. 

That spirit of connection fills us with excitement for the year ahead. But before we look to the future, let’s take stock

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