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Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Summer at Greater Austin YMCA

May 25, 2023|Categories: Blog|

Summer is here, and that means more friends in our facilities around the greater Austin area. To welcome everyone to our spaces, here are a few pointers to get the most out of your visit to the Y.

  1. Bringing friends or family to the YMCA? We’re so glad you want to share the Y with your loved ones. Learn our guest policy here.
  2. Members & guests ages under age 16 must always be accompanied by an 18+ adult. Make your trip to the Y smoother by having your printed & signed

Summer Bucket List for Austin, TX Families

May 10, 2023|Categories: Blog, Community & Culture|

Have you ever made a family bucket list? Making a bucket list and checking off items on it is a special way to create new family memories. And the best part is that you can put whatever you want on your family’s bucket list! With summer quickly approaching, take an evening to come up with your family’s unique bucket list for this summer. Here are some ideas to get you started!

Eat Somewhere New

Try a new Austin restaurant together as a family! Or pack a picnic and eat it in a local park together one summer evening. Here are some family-friendly

Busted: 10 of the Biggest Health Myths

April 18, 2023|Categories: Blog|

Are you working out at the wrong time? Is breakfast actually important? Can lifting weights make you lean? Is raw food healthier? And should you really aim for 10,000 steps a day? We’ve dug deep into the research to separate the facts from fiction

In the pursuit of good health and fitness, chances are you’ve faced conflicting advice, confusing

Children’s Books for a Rainy Day

April 5, 2023|Categories: Blog|

A rainy day. Overcast, grey skies, the pitter-patter white noise of drops on windows, a blanket of calm on a wet world. Colors of car lights and stop lights spill onto inky black pavement, drops race past on windshields, and puddles form on the sidewalks. Although rainy days can put a damper on plans or cause your kids to be cooped up inside, a rainy day is also full to the brim of magic and possibility. A rainy day is a perfect opportunity to curl up in a blanket with a warm drink and some of your favorite books! We’ve

Farmshare Austin Mobile Market Every Wednesday

February 14, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

Farmshare Austin brings its Fresh For Less Mobile Market to East Communities YMCA Wednesdays 4:30 – 6:30 PM.

Shop fresh local produce conveniently located in the YMCA parking lot! Fresh For Less Mobile Markets sell Texas-grown fruit, vegetables, eggs, honey and grocery goods – all at reduced prices.

All YMCA members are welcome to pop by the farm stand and shop. Support local food vendors while bringing home the freshest produce at great prices! It’s all part of the strong community you can find at the Y!

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