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What’s Happening at Northwest Family YMCA in November

November 3, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

Self-Defense Workshop

Saturday, November 16, 2-4pm, Ages 10+

Gain skills to protect better protect yourself. Taekwondo Grand Master Owens will teach you safety awareness, lethal strikes, escapes from being grabbed or held, and groundwork for self-defense. No martial arts experience needed. A potentially lifesaving 2-hour program.

*Participants ages 10-14 must have participating adult in class alongside them.  Register

Fall Programs begin as early as December 1

Sign up now to reserve your spot for

Celebrating Outstanding Contributions: 2024 Greater Austin YMCA Annual Gratitude Luncheon

November 1, 2024|Categories: Blog|

At the Greater Austin YMCA’s 2024 Annual Gratitude Luncheon, we gather to honor the volunteers and community partners who have made remarkable contributions over the past year. These individuals and organizations are the heart of our mission, helping us build stronger, healthier communities. Each year, we present several awards to recognize those who have gone above and beyond in service, leadership and partnership. 

 Below, we celebrate our 2024 award recipients and speakers who inspire us with their dedication and leadership. 

Award Descriptions

Greater Austin YMCA Partners with St. Edward’s University on $20 Million Climate Resilience Hub in East Austin

October 22, 2024|Categories: Blog|

Partnership will create educational programming on sustainability, resilience

(AUSTIN – October 22, 2024) The Greater Austin YMCA and St. Edward’s University have announced a partnership agreement on an application for a $20 million Community Change Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency. If awarded, the grant will fund construction of a multipurpose facility to serve as a climate resilience hub at the East Communities YMCA as well as community outreach and education programs.

The grant calls for collaborations between nonprofit organizations, higher education institutions and local governments to address adverse climate-related impacts in local communities. St. Edward’s

3 Reasons Why Afterschool Programs could benefit your Family

October 14, 2024|Categories: Blog, Family, Youth Development|

Picture this: the school bell rings, and a tidal wave of backpacks and excited kids burst through the classroom doors. They’ve been cooped up all day, and now they’re ready to let loose!

What adventures await them after school? How about building a skyscraper out of blocks, laughing until your sides hurt with friends, or running so fast you feel like a superhero on the playground?

What’s Happening at Camp Moody in October 2024

September 26, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

Swim Y’All

Aquatic Awesomeness at YMCA Camp Moody 


On Sunday, Sept 22, over 170 of our younger Greater Austin YMCA members from three different centers gathered at Camp Moody for a wave-making, water-churning good time of a swim meet!  Ranging in age from 5 to 18, these young athletes raced in a variety of competitive swimming events– several kiddos doing so for the first time at a USA Swimming-sanctioned swim meet.  Coaches, parents, spectators and volunteers cheered all these swimmers to fast and fun times and an overall great experience. 

Our YMCA Swim Alliance, aka “Swim

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