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Everline Counseling

Choose Joy!

May 8, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

As a therapist, often clients come to the first session and when asked what they would like to achieve in therapy, they respond that they want to feel happy. They want a happier relationship with their partner or with their children; they want to feel happier in their work or just want a happier experience in general. In response to statements like these, I would typically launch into a mini psychoeducational lesson about the difference between happiness and joy and why in today’s society the pursuit of joy rather than the pursuit of happiness is the way to go.

Free Day of Therapy May 22, 2024

April 17, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

Observe Mental Health Awareness Month by taking advantage of a free 30-minute counseling session on Wednesday, May 22, with Everline Counseling.

Prioritize your mental and emotional health.

Sessions are available 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Bilingual (English & Spanish) sessions are available by request.

Appointments can be virtual (teletherapy) or in person at our East Communities, TownLake or North Austin locations. Claim Your Free Counseling Session

Women and Weight

April 1, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

Wondering what this blog post is going to be about with a title like Women and Weight? 

Could be about weight loss or our society’s obsession with it.

Could be about women and weightlifting and the great class offerings we have for women that are interested in getting stronger and toning their bodies. No kidding, (Click here for more information about those class offerings!) 

March is Women’s History month, which got me thinking about the weight that women have had to carry through the course of history but more specifically today. I see evidence

Empowering Healing: The Y’s Role in Trauma Treatment Support

February 26, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

As we celebrate the last few days of Black History month we want to amplify Race-Based Traumatic Stress (RBTS), a mental health condition that speaks to the unique psychological and emotional distress that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) suffer because of racism and discrimination.

These experiences can exist on a societal level like the murder of, African Americans like George Floyd. Community or local level aggressions comprise race-based traumas like teenagers being expelled from schools in your community for refusing to cut their dreadlocks.

Individual interactions, or microaggressions refer to specific experiences of racism, sexism, heterosexism, and nationalism. Examples may

Oh, The Places We’ll Go…

January 24, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

A few years ago, I asked my mother why she never read my brother and I Dr. Seuss books when we were kids. She told me that she found the silly rhymes and strange names of the characters annoying! I was dumbfounded as those are some of the things that people love most about his books; that and Dr. Seuss’ unfailing ability to communicate complicated societal challenges like pollution (e.g. The Lorax) and messy human struggles like the desire to understand where we come from (e.g. Are You My Mother?) to children, are some of the things I love most

The Importance of Gender Identity Awareness

November 16, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: |

The Importance of Gender Identity Awareness

By Emily Field – Everline Counseling Clinical Intern

Gender is becoming an increasingly hot topic around the world, as more and more people are identifying as gender diverse, especially among young people. For parents of a gender diverse person, this can be especially confusing. But learning a little can go a long way in understanding your child and creating a stronger bond.

Gender identity in the United States is typically seen as a binary of male and female, but this is not universal, and other gender identities have in fact existed for centuries in other cultures.

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